Adult Inpatient Services (AIPU) is a 24 bed, 24-hour a day, 7-day a week intensive inpatient psychiatric hospital program for adults ages 18 and over whose psychiatric illness would benefit from inpatient treatment and who require specialized treatment, observation or evaluation that can only be provided in an inpatient setting. Individuals who are able to benefit from a short term hospital based program that emphasizes active group participation and problem solving in an open, multidisciplinary treatment setting may be admitted on a voluntary basis. Our treating teams consist of mental health professionals, including psychiatrists, licensed, registered and advance practice nurses, licensed practical nurses, master's level therapists and social workers, mental health specialists, activities assistants, creative arts therapists, a teacher, a registered dietician and a pharmacist. We will do everything we can to make this a brief, healing and positive experience for you and your loved ones.
The focus of inpatient treatment is to begin the journey to restore people to their optimal level of functioning, to instill hope that people can and do overcome the barriers and obstacles that confront them, to support their reintegration into their homes and communities and to provide connections to community based mental health and other programs which will support ongoing wellness.
Admission is initiated through a medical hospital, doctor or psychiatrist, designated emergency service or screening center such as Acute Psychiatric Services (APS) at UBHC in Piscataway, 732-235-5700 or through our Access Center at 1-800-969-5300