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Clinical Overview

Rutgers Day School Child Program (ages 4 - 13 years)

Rutgers Day School (RDS) is an out-of-district special education school located within the Rutgers UBHC Building in Piscataway. The mission of our school is to provide educational and therapeutic services in an integrated manner to children whose psychiatric, behavioral and learning problems are too severe for them to be educated effectively in their local school systems. The RDS Child Program includes eight therapeutic classrooms with a total capacity of sixty children. Although the ages of our students range from four years old through thirteen, over ninety percent of our students are between the ages of five through eleven at the time of admission. The educational range is between preschool and seventh grade. Planned lengths of stay typically range from one to three years. All referrals for RDS are from local school systems or from the Office of Education. The sending school districts or the Office of Education support the costs of placement through tuition payments.

Year 2023-2024 Calendar (pdf)

Extended School Year 2024 Calendar (pdf)

 Year 2024-2025 Calendar (pdf)

Adverse Weather & Emergency Closure Information (pdf)

Security Drill Information (pdf)

Contact Page (pdf)

Drinking Water Testing Results 2022 (pdf)

Clinical Services
Educational Services
Behavior Management
Student Referral Process