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Lisa Fuentes, MA

Psychology Resident, Integrated Primary Care, 2023-2024

Lisa Fuentes, (she/her/ella) is a psychology resident at Rutger's UBHC. She is completing a primary care rotation at Eric B. Chandler Clinic and providing group therapy at Middlesex County Jail. Lisa is a Ph.D. student in the Counseling Psychology’s doctoral program at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU). Prior to VCU, Lisa received her master's degree in clinical mental health from the University of Denver and a second masters degree in Counseling Psychology from VCU. Lisa has worked within various treatment environments, such as, community health clinics, family medicine, primary care, counseling centers, and a hematology-oncology division. She is a bilingual therapist who can provide therapeutic services in both English and Spanish. Lisa's area of interests include providing culturally sensitive services to marginalized communities, especially the Latine community.