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Sheiva Nadooshan, MA

Psychology Resident, Integrated Primary Care, 2023-2024

Sheiva Nadooshan M.A. is a clinical psychology doctoral candidate at Midwestern University and has previously graduated with honors in psychology and a minor in cognitive neuroscience from Rutgers University. Currently, she is a psychology resident at the Family Medicine Clinic at Monument Square and Robert Wood Johnson Hospital. She specializes in providing comprehensive treatment for adults dealing with anxiety, trauma, depression, grief, and addiction, often co-occurring with other medical conditions. Ms. Nadooshan is experienced in conducting neuropsychological assessments, particularly focusing on memory and cognition, and evaluating candidacy for various medical therapies (e.g. organ transplant, LVAD). A member of Psi Chi International Honor Society in Psychology and Vice President of the Behavioral Medicine Club during graduate school, she presented research on the mental health impact of COVID-19 at an interdisciplinary research symposium at Midwestern University Medical School. She has been a speaker at Stroke and Aphasia Awareness Event sponsored by the National Student Speech-Language Hearing Association about research on the mental health effects of aphasia. She is currently researching the impact of dementia on caregivers for her dissertation. Ms. Nadooshan is eager to further contribute to Rutgers, the surrounding community, and to the field of health psychology.