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Thomas O’Kane, PhD

Psychology Resident, Integrated Primary Care, 2023-2024; Psychology Postdoctoral Fellow, Integrated Care, 2024-2025

Thomas (Tom) O'Kane is a postdoctoral fellow with Rutgers University Behavioral Health Care (RUBHC). Dr. O'Kane received his Ph.D in Clinical Psychology from Rowan University, having completed his residency in integrated primary care with RUBHC. Dr. O'Kane has clinical experience working within multiple integrated care settings spanning inpatient and outpatient levels of care, with a specific focus on working with psychosis-spectrum symptomology. Dr. O'Kane's research interests include the psychosis-spectrum, health behaviors, and integrating behavioral health care services within medical settings. Dr. O'Kane previously worked on research assessing patient satisfaction with the integration of behavioral health services on an inpatient psychiatric unit.