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Research By CIC

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Lister, J.J., Lister, H.H., Gilmore Powell, K., Peterson, N.A., Marcello, S.C., Toto, A.M., & Cheung, S.P. (2024). The Rutgers Integrated Care Evaluation Framework (The RICE Framework): An innovative and rigorous set of strategies to evaluate integrated care programs.  Manuscript accepted for publiction at International Journal of Integrated Care on July 22, 2024.

Lister, H.H., Marcello, S.C., Lister, J.J., Toto, A., Gilmore Powell, K., & Peterson, N.A. (2022). Advancing the behavioral health workforce: An innovative integrated care and substance use disorder training model to improve outcomes for people in medically underserved communities. Families, Systems, & Health. doi: 10.1037/fsh0000739.


Peer-Reviewed Conference Presentations

Sangster, S., Singer, B., Lister, J.J., Lister, H.H., Powell, K.G., Peterson, N.A., Toto, A.M., & Marcello, S.C. (2023, October). Preliminary Data from the Evaluation of the Rutgers University Integrated Substance Use Disorder Training Program (RUISTP). Presented at the 26th Annual Collaborative Family Healthcare Association Conference, Phoenix, Arizona.

Lister, J.J., Cheung, S.P., Lister, H.H., Gilmore Powell, K., Peterson, N.A., Marcello, S.C., Toto, A.M., Enich, M., Cooper, S., & Fougnies, L. (2022, October). The Rutgers Integrated Care Evaluation Framework (The RICE Framework): An innovative and rigorous set of strategies to evaluate integrated care programs. Presented at the 25th Annual Collaborative Family Healthcare Association Conference, Boise, Idaho.

Lister, H.H., Marcello, S.C., & Toto, A. (2022, April). Shaping the future of integrated care through the development of innovative education, training, and clinical programs. Presented at the 53rd Annual National Council for Mental Wellbeing Conference, Washington, D.C.