Emma is a Senior Training and Consultation Specialist at Rutgers-University Behavioral Health Care, Behavioral Research and Training Institute (BRTI) for the Children’s System of Care (CSOC). Emma comes from working on the first Promising Path to Success SAMHSA grant at the New Jersey Children’s System of Care as the Assistant Project Director from 2016-2020. In this role, she supported the Project Director in the implementation and monitoring of trauma-informed practices in youth residential treatment programs across the state in addition to providing project related presentations and trainings. Emma has a bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Rutgers University and a master’s degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Kean University. She holds a current license as an Associate Counselor. Emma has 15 years of professional training experience, including certification in training Mental Health First Aid for youth and adult curriculums and is a former advanced trainer in the Wellness Recovery Action Planning® model. She is an advanced trainer in the Nurtured Heart Approach® and supports the coordination of the statewide Learning Community of trainers. Emma spent 10 years at the Mental Health Association in New Jersey as an Assistant Director of Wellness and Recovery Services and has extensive experience in curriculum development for mental health for children, teens and adults, vocational rehabilitation, and the NJ Peer Recovery Support Practitioner certification program (CRSP). She coauthored a revision of the Psychiatric Advance Directive form that was adopted by NJDMHAS and helped to develop an improved state registration process. She has also previously worked in behavioral health treatment and partial hospitalization settings providing care management and outpatient services. She is currently taking courses toward a Certificate in Traumatic Stress Studies.