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Rutgers Juvenile Justice and Youth Development Certificate Program

Juvenile Justice Bulletin

Rutgers Juvenile Justice and Youth Development Certificate Program proudly introduces the first edition of our new monthly newsletter, the Juvenile Justice Bulletin. Stay up to date with the latest news and information from the JJYD program, including upcoming courses, promotions, important dates, and program news.  The JJYD newsletter features inspiring stories of innovative justice programs in practice around the world, as well as critical advocacy work in progress, and information relevant to anyone working with justice-impacted youth and their families.

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Subscribe to the Rutgers Juvenile Justice and Youth Development Certificate Program Juvenile Justice Bulletin

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August 2024 Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Awareness Month, Café Momentum, Dishing Out Hope to Justice-Impacted Youth, Juvenile Justice Available Grant Opportunities, JJYD Certificate Program Instructor Spotlight, Fall/Winter 2024 Course Schedule, and September Course Previews.

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July 2024 National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month, Youth Mental Health Corps Trains Young People to Help Their Peers, Juvenile Justice Available Grant Opportunities, Newark Justice Hub Opens to Help Transform Lives of Local Youth, JJYD Certificate Student Spotlight, and July 2024 Course Previews.

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June 2024 Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Awareness Month, Fencing and Restorative Justice, Youth Protection and Empowerment in Senegal, Juvenile Justice Available Grant Opportunities, Innovative Robotics Offers Hope for Louisiana Justice-involved Youth, JJYD Certificate Student Spotlight, and June 2024 Course Previews.

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