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JJYD Certificate Program Testimonials

Check out what people are saying about Rutgers Juvenile Justice and Youth Development Certificate Program...

Discover why Rutgers JJYD Program is the top choice among organizations and professionals who work with justice-impacted youth and are looking to grow their careers, enhance their skills and knowledge, and connect with like-minded professionals.

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All the ideas and topics presented in Rutgers Juvenile Justice and Youth Development Certificate Program were truly inspirational. The courses inspired me to continue to research ways to improve my corner of the juvenile justice system. I look forward to continued communication with the professionals from my JJYD cohort.

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Participating in the Rutgers JJYD Program provided me with excellent opportunities to connect with my colleagues in the juvenile justice system from various regions and areas of expertise. I found it incredibly valuable to gain insight from their unique perspectives and I received invaluable resources, feedback, encouragement, and guidance.

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Completing the Rutgers Juvenile Justice and Youth Development Program has equipped me with the necessary skills and knowledge to better understand and support the youth I work with. Thanks to the JJYD program, I now approach their behaviors with confidence and patience.

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My JJYD classes helped me gain a better understanding of the normative development process and how traumatic experiences can derail that process.

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My class provided a distinct lens for practitioners to view their work with young individuals. The value of empathy and understanding, coupled with accountability, cannot be understated in their ability to drive meaningful change.

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Attending the Rutgers Juvenile Justice and Youth Development Certificate Program was a transformative experience for me. It reinforced my decision to switch careers and pursue advocacy work for justice-involved youth. I didn't anticipate the profound impact it would have on my life, but it provided me with the confidence I needed and confirmed that I am on the right path. I'm truly grateful for the opportunity to have participated in such a meaningful program.

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I found it beneficial to listen to the diverse viewpoints of the participants in my courses, who represented various sides of the aisle. My classmates included behavioral health professionals, prosecutors, attorneys, and even police officers. It was insightful to understand their respective processes and the factors that influence the outcomes for young people involved in the justice system. Moving forward, I will draw on what I’ve learned to understand the roles and responsibilities of the different components of the system and the subtleties that impact the results for youth.

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The mix of the course information, assigned videos, and required readings has helped me gain a broader understanding of the subject matter. Further, the course introduced new alternative techniques and concepts that can improve my collaborative work with system partners to support students facing challenges in school settings.

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The most significant takeaway from my course was a powerful realization that even preschool-age children are being directed toward the School-to-Prison Pipeline. This realization has ignited in me a passion to work tirelessly towards advocating for and strategizing ways to prevent black and brown children from being ensnared in this "Pipeline." The course provided me with clear and concise information and data, which has further strengthened my resolve to make a positive impact in this area.

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After completing the JJYD program, I realized the importance of humility, teachability, openness to other viewpoints, and continuous learning.

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Through the course, I gained a deeper understanding of the significance of continuous learning through a lens of humility. I realized that being respectfully curious about others while identifying and addressing my own personal biases is crucial in establishing healthy relationships, not only in the workplace but also in life.

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Throughout our course sessions, we discussed the positive and negative effects of trauma response, and what factors contribute to a young person's ability to cope with trauma. We also explored ways to apply this knowledge in our interactions with juveniles, in order to avoid setting them up for failure. I found it extremely beneficial to share our personal experiences- both positive and negative- in engaging with our families.

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My JJYD courses helped me become more aware of the barriers that exist for youth in effectuating positive outcomes. I learned how we as care providers can help them overcome these obstacles and inspire them to reach their full potential. I also learned the importance of regularly evaluating our progress and how striving for improvement is key to creating impactful change.