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Elective Program

Almost all of the services described as part of the core program are also available as elective rotations. Students already scheduled for these experiences may choose to spend more than the minimal time or take on more than the minimal number of cases.

Potential elective rotations include the service areas listed below.

A.  Child Group Therapy:
Interns co-lead a group in the Child Outpatient Services, either with a staff member or another Intern. Groups may be focused on particular age ranges, particular diagnostic categories, particular skills, or particular content areas.  Interns might also develop a group for a selected population of their interest.  Supervision will weekly and will be provided by the staff member who is the co-therapist, or by an assigned supervisor, if Interns lead a group together.

B.  Co-Occurring Relapse Prevention Group:
Interns may elect to co-lead a twice monthly co-occurring relapse prevention group run at Adult Outpatient Services. The group provides psychoeduction, peer support, and mindfulness exercises. Supervision is provided by Clarita Hipol-Ligot, Ph.D.

C.  Consultation/Liaison:
Interns consult to diverse hospital patients in need of brief psychological assessment and/or intervention. This is a major elective and requires one full day per week. Concurrent supervision is provided by Dr. Rashi Aggarwal and Dr. Douglas Opler, both of the Division of Psychiatry.

D.  Correctional/Forensic Elective:
Interns may elect to work in performing psychotherapy or assessments in one of the correctional facilities available (Edna Mahan, Northern State, ADTC), under the supervision of licensed UCHC psychologists. (Correctional track Interns may choose to work a 4th day in a prison setting, but this day should be scheduled at a different facility from their concurrent core placement. 2021: Availability of this 4th day is limited, due to current COVID-19 related restrictions.) Supervision is concurrent to the experience.

E.  Employee Assistance Program (EAP):
As part of an integrated health initiative, Interns conduct psychosocial assessments and provide short-term counseling with graduate students at the Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences Student Health Services Center. Interns also prepare and present wellness seminars on topics of interest to medical and biomedical students. In this elective, Interns function as part of an interdisciplinary treat team, collaborating closely with family practice/internal medicine providers. Supervision is provided by Shoshana Sperling, Psy.D.

F.  PEACE Clinic (Child Psychosis):
As part of a research project within the Department of Psychiatry, Interns participate in the assessment and treatment of children who present with symptoms of psychosis. Supervision is provided by Anthony Deo, M.D.

G.  Quality Improvement (QI):
Interns may choose to participate in a small quality improvement project, which can take one of several forms: joining an ongoing formal QI project on a given unit, or conducting an original project in independent groups, or joining a larger system-wide project, if available. Unit projects would eventually be presented at the system-wide QI fair. Independent projects would be presented at a unit staff meeting in the spring. QI projects should not be designed and carried out on one’s own, but rather must be approved and conducted in coordination with the supervisors and administrators of the unit where they are performed. Supervision/guidance will be provided by supervisors on the unit where the project is conducted, with support from Training Committee members.

H.  School Placement:
Interns may provide services within the Public Schools of Newark or other surrounding communities, with whom RUBHC has contracts to provide mental health services.  Interns conduct individual treatments, run group therapies, and conduct assessments, all under the supervision of licensed School Psychologiests.  Supervision is provided by Suzi Millar, Psy.D.

I.  Woman’s Trauma Group:
Interns may elect to co-lead a twice monthly woman's trauma group run at Adult Outpatient Services.  The group provides psychoeducation, peer support, and DBT-based coping skills.  Supervision is provided by Clarita Hipol-Ligot, Ph.D.