There is one position in the adult general track. The adult general track intern meets core requirements in both the Adult Acute Partial Hospital Program and the Adult Outpatient Services units of Rutgers University Behavioral Health Care (UBHC) in Newark. The adult track intern is expected to have some experience with the entire adult age range during the course of the program. The adult intern may participate in elective rotations of an adult or child focus, at UBHC, UCHC, or at University Hospital.
Within the Adult Track, there is a heavy emphasis on working with seriously and persistently mentally ill adults, as well as clients who have histories of trauma. Interns learn about the multiple psychological, medical, and social needs of this population, and work with clients across the continuum of care.
The adult track intern participates in the full didactic program, along with interns from the other tracks, as well as occasionally with psychiatry fellows and residents.