Interns are asked to offer a presentation in an area of expertise to one of their core rotation units, to share their strengths, and help develop positive staff relationships. They are also asked to conduct one presentation in the community of Newark, to promote outreach and address an area of community need.
The rotation locations for the core program varies depending upon the intern’s track (adult, forensic adult, or child). The elective clinical rotations are planned according to each intern’s interests, goals, and needs. Within the elective rotations, students have the opportunity to have experiences outside of their primary track, with clients of different ages and developmental levels.
Throughout the program, emphasis is placed on the quality of the training experience, and service needs are met primarily by clinical staff. Supervision is provided in each of the clinical experiences, and interns typically participate in team meetings at each rotation. In addition, various didactic experiences are conducted together with students from different programs (e.g., child and adult interns, psychiatry residents, psychiatry fellows, social work students), so that psychology interns in each track are enriched by the presence of varied perspectives. Finally, some of the elective experiences also include a didactic component that allows students to develop a deeper understanding of that specialty area.