Program evaluation is an important component of successful programming for social emotional learning. Several of our current evaluation tools are now available on-line for your convenience. These are some simple and efficient measures designed to help schools address the request for evaluation by New Jersey's Department of Education for Character Education funding. Because this funding is minimal, many districts have found these measures to be a straightforward and effective way to address the request for an evaluation component. These measures will provide some basic quantitative and qualitative data that schools and districts will find useful in program planning, funding proposals, and various school and district reports. Feel free to print and duplicate them for use in your building or district.

Whenever possible, we recommend a more comprehensive evaluation plan. Additional measures and information regarding formulating a more extensive research design can be found on the CASEL website and in the Evaluation Tools Publications section of the Research/Publications page on this website. EdSolution, a non-profit educational organization, is helping districts in New Jersey and the New Jersey Center for Character Education to create evaluation plans and measures that may be available on-line in the future. You can explore their website from our Favorite Links page. If you have further questions about program evaluation, please contact us at (732)-235-9280