The SDM/PS Program offers a choice of training opportunities.
Comprehensive and Flexible K-8 Curriculum with Academic Infusion, Parent and Community Components. Program planning tailored to unique setting and population needs. Specific applications to develop, emotional intelligence, academic performance,emotional regulation, mindfulness and citizenship while reducing bullying, violence, substance abuse and a range of other problems. Approved for funding on many federal agency lists such as Safe and Drug Free Schools, Model Program for Delinquency Prevention, Violence Prevention and evidence based Character Education. The basis for the majority of our training services utilizes an evidence based Social Decision Making/Social Problem Solving curriculum as a foundation.
School District Level:
This is our preferred approach as it allows us to tailor the training to suit your local needs. Trainings are available to individual schools and/or school districts.
Teacher Training - The SDM/PS Program staff provide a two to three day in-service training for a designated team of teachers, administrators, and support personnel. The training can be held at the adoption site and can accommodate up to 30 teachers at a time. Each multi-day training is customized to the needs of the school/district and follows an active training model. The training sessions are designed so that participants are prepared to teach this program directly to children upon the conclusion of the workshop. Each participant is provided with all of the curriculum materials, colorful classroom posters, and worksheets he or she will need to implement skill-building activities covered in the training.
Training for Leadership and Management - In order to ensure that the Program becomes a useful, integrated, and vibrant part of the school's curricula, an on-site SDM/PS Leadership Team is formed (in N.J. this can be the Safety Teams) to plan and guide the program toward institutionalization. The Leadership Team consists of a small group of representative teachers, the building principal, and other key resource staff such as a guidance counselor or Child Study Team member. The SDM staff strongly recommends a half- or full-day "Leadership and Management" training for the Leadership Team upon the conclusion of the regular training workshop. The site leadership team leaves the session with a specific operational plan facilitated by the trainer.
Program Consultation - In addition to training, other services include: on-site consultation, support, and technical assistance is available from SDM/PS Program staff. Phone consultation is also available on our toll-free line.
For information regarding programs and activities for parents see Parent Information.
Program Cost - Prices for training, materials, and consultation are available by contacting program staff at (732)-235-9280.