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Suicide & Trauma Related Resources

The Traumatic Loss Coalition can provide suicide prevention training to satisfy the N.J.S.A. 18A:6-11 requirements for schools. We appreciate the caution that schools are demonstrating as care needs to be taken to choose programs that are effective and safe especially in regard to suicide awareness programs for students. The evidence-based Question, Persuade, Refer model is used by Coordinators across the state which is able to serve (35) faculty at a time for a 2-hour training. The availability of other suicide prevention and related trainings can be discussed with the County Coordinator or TLC Central Team.

Please refer to the Suicide Prevention Resource Center and American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (SPRC & AFSP) Best Practices Registry (BPR) link for a complete listing of all Evidenced-Based and Best practices programs to meet your educational needs.