NJ Promise is an early identification and intervention clinic aimed at identifying young people between the ages of 12 and 25 who are experiencing worrisome changes in their thoughts, experiences, and/or feelings. It should be noted that many people have these experiences and are not at high risk. Generally, it is more concerning if these experiences are distressing or interfere with daily life (school, work, social relationships). Relative to fully diagnosable psychosis, risk experiences are less frequent, less intense, less impairing, and briefer. Individuals experiencing these symptoms might also struggle with other mental health symptoms, such as mood problems, anxiety, and substance use. As with physical illnesses, the early identification and treatment of mental and emotional problems can lead to better outcomes. The longer an illness is left untreated, the greater is the disruption to the person's ability to study, work, meet new friends, and socialize comfortably.
How do you recognize if someone is “at-high risk?”
Changes in thinking and behavior which may include:
- withdrawing from friends and family
- problems in school or at work
- loss of interest or lack of motivation
- trouble thinking or speaking clearly
- feeling sad, angry or irritable
- changes in sleeping or eating patterns
- less concern with appearance or clothes
- feeling suspicious of others
- feeling like things are unreal
- changes in perception
- changes in personality
- feeling “something’s not quite right”
- family history of mental health diagnosis such as schizophrenia, schizoaffective, or psychosis
This program aims to reduce early symptoms of serious mental illness by giving people the opportunity to discuss their concerns and focus on identifying, monitoring and managing troubling symptoms and at-risk signs of serious mental illness. NJ Promise provides a continuum of care for people at high-risk, with clinicians available to provide assessment and offer treatment options. Components of treatment typically include:
- psycho-education
- safety planning
- cognitive behavioral therapy
- problem solving
- goal setting
- relapse prevention
- social skills
- treatment for other mental health challenges or substance use
- family support
- consultation regarding medications that can help with mental health
Our clinic is located within the Rutgers University Behavioral Health Care system. Both of our clinics serve the following counties:
- Hunterdon, Mercer, Middlesex, Monmouth, Ocean, Somerset and Union Counties of New Jersey
Our Contact Information:
Rutgers UBHC Edison office: (732) 235-8400
CSC & NJ Promise programs direct number: 732-235-2868
100 Metroplex Drive, Edison, NJ, 08817
Insurance and Fees:
For those eligible for services, both programs are open to all regardless of economic means. We accept a variety of private insurances, as well as Medicaid & Medicare. We also provide a sliding scale fee for those who do not have access to insurance.